
Monday, October 28, 2013

Review: Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion

I'm certain I've said this a million times already on both my blog and my channel but I'll say it again, my skin is seriously freaking out. I have bumps along my forehead and have been breaking out in my T-zone. I'm not sure what caused my skin to go haywire but I've slowly been trying to fix it and get it back to being smooth and blemish-free.

I started off by using Lush's Ultrabland Facial Cleanser to reset my skin and now here I am with a brand new skincare routine that will hopefully solve all my problems. This Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion (£2.99) was the first new product I incorporated into my routine. I had done some research and found that I should incorporate Salicylic Acid into my routine. One of the first active ingredients listed on the back of this bottle was Salicylic Acid so I thought why not give it a try?

I like to use this product after I've removed my makeup and washed my face. I pour a little bit onto a cotton pad and gently wipe it across my face and neck. It works to remove any remaining traces of makeup and I can feel my pores tightening. However, I can't seem to get over the strong chemical smell of the product. I know that most toners do have an intense alcohol scent but this one was just overwhelming.

I've almost used up the entire bottle by now in a little under a month and I can say with certainty that while I didn't notice any more bumps or breakouts, it didn't do much in fixing the problem areas I already had. I will not be repurchasing this in the future because in my opinion I could probably find a better product for around the same price. I'm thinking of trying the Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Toner (£3.59) or the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Stress Control 3-in-1 Daily Cleansing Lotion (£3.99). If any of you have used these products before, I'd love to know what you'd think of them or if you have any other products to recommend!

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  1. I use this cleanser. It does smell strong but I like it. However it can dry my skin out if I use it too much.

    So I also use Peaches and Clean by Soap & Glory. It smells much nicer, is no where near as strong and removes all traces of make up an dirt.


  2. Aw I used to use this one, but I forget why I stopped using it. I actually haven't been using a toner in a while...if you find one you like, I'd love to hear about it!


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